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Bathroom Renovation Advice: 4 Tips

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Renovating your bathroom can be a daunting and expensive task, but with some careful planning, you can make small changes that will have a massive impact on the look and feel of your home. Whether you're looking to update an outdated style, add some much-needed storage space or increase energy efficiency, these four tips will help you get started on your bathroom renovation.

1. Set a budget

Before you begin any renovations, it's important to determine the precise amount of money you are willing to spend. Knowing what you can and cannot afford will help guide your decisions when selecting materials and appliances for the project. Additionally, setting a budget ahead of time will help ensure that you don't overspend or go into debt trying to finish the job.

2. Plan ahead

Once you have determined what type of budget you are working with, it's time to start planning out the details of the project. Make sure that all plumbing and electrical work is done prior to any tiling or painting so that there aren't any surprises once the job is finished. Additionally, if possible, measure all walls and doors before purchasing materials, as this will help ensure that everything fits when it arrives at your house.

3. Choose wisely

When selecting new fixtures and furniture for your bathroom renovation project, be sure to choose items that match your style preferences and the overall design of the room. For example, if you want to create a contemporary space, consider buying sleek metal faucets or modern furniture pieces rather than more traditional designs.

4. Hire professionals

Unless you are confident in your DIY skills (or really enjoy doing projects around the house), it might be wise to hire professional tradespeople to do some (or all) of the work for you on your bathroom renovation project — especially if it involves plumbing or electrical work which could potentially put yourself or others at risk if done incorrectly.

Tradespeople often have access to better quality materials at better prices since they purchase them in bulk, so don't be afraid to ask around for quotes before committing yourself one way or another.


With careful planning and research, renovating your bathroom doesn't have to be overwhelming or expensive, even if you are working within a tight budget. By taking into consideration factors such as budgeting appropriately, researching products before purchase and hiring professionals when needed, homeowners can create their dream bathrooms without breaking the bank. Contact a local renovation company today.
